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Senior/Solo Pastor Positions


First Baptist Church of Meriden, NH
2 Main St. Meriden, NH 03770 (603) 469-3933

First Baptist of Meriden is seeking to replace our long-serving pastor due to retirement. We are looking for a pastor who is called to the mission field of northern New England, with a heart for the lost and a gift for discipling those already in the flock. We have been an independent Baptist congregation since the 18th century and are looking to keep the theology consistent while having our ministry continually updated to meet the needs of the 21st century. We are trusting in God to call the minister He wants and pray that we may recognize the next pastor God wants for this assembly.

We are in a small town in one of the most secular areas of the country and as such we are a small church. The current Sunday worship attendance is in the 30’s with a number of families who have been committed to the church for many years. We have people involved in prayer meetings, men’s and women’s ministries, worship ministry, missions, and children’s ministry. We have lots of personal connections with other evangelical churches in the area.

The town is Plainfield, NH (Meriden being one of the two villages in the town) which is one of the 25 towns of the Lebanon Micropolitan Area (often spoken of as the “Upper Valley”). The area is anchored by Dartmouth College, Dartmouth Health, and the many businesses and startups that have spun off from them over the years just to our north. The entire area has around 78,000 people. Like Plainfield, most of the towns surrounding the core of Hanover, NH, Lebanon, NH, and Hartford, VT have around 2,000 persons each. It is no longer true that there are more cows or sheep than people. All that to say, despite the rural nature of our town, there is a lot more diversity than might be expected due to our connections with the greater area, including Kimball Union Academy, a private school in town.

The church owns our building (artist rendering at top) which is at the intersection of Main Street and Route 120, one of the 2 main roads in the town. We have endeavored to keep it maintained and updated so it may continue to be useful in God’s kingdom work and a testament to His care over the many years.
We also own our parsonage, which is a quick walk to the church and has been added onto and renovated around 15 years ago.

If this ministry opportunity sounds like something you would like to explore more, we would love to find out about you as well. The easiest way to contact the pulpit committee is via the email address at the top, you can send along a resume/profile and we can answer any questions that you may have.

God Bless,
Betty, Joe, Jonathan, and Stewart
First Baptist Pulpit Committee



Lynbrook Baptist Church of Lynbrook, NY

Posted September 2, 2022

Lynbrook Baptist Church has a long and rich history of service to the Lord that stretches back to the beginnings of Lynbrook village. Church has moved from a typical suburban congregation to a life-filled, multiracial, and multicultural gathering of worship across many cultures and backgrounds. This congregation is united by their love for Jesus Christ and desire to know and serve Him better. They understand that people do not need more empty religious traditions or rituals, but a real growing relationship with God. The church emphasizes a warm family atmosphere.

They are seeking a lead pastor that will help them develop:

  • Authentic relationships.
  • Seek radical transformation by the Holy Spirit’s work in themselves and others.
  • Show unstoppable generosity and model unity in this extremely diverse congregation that the Lord has gathered.

Click here to download the Congregation and Pastoral-position profile.



First Baptist Church of Tarrytown NY

Posted July 26, 2022

First Baptist Church of Tarrytown NY is seeking applicants for the position of Sr. Pastor.

Located about 25 miles north of mid-town Manhattan on the eastern side of the Hudson River, First Baptist Church (FBC) is part of a diverse community with a rich history. By God’s grace, the church has been a part of the Tarrytown community for nearly 180 years. God has given the church gifted friendly people who are committed to serving others and growing in their faith. Thanks to God’s provisions, we continue to be a light to the community with a rebuilt building following a fire in 1989. We share the building with a small Spanish-speaking congregation who meet on Sunday afternoons.

The church is committed to sharing God’s love and hope to transform hearts, homes, Westchester, and the world.

It is preferred that the pastor have at least an M. Div degree with 1 – 5 years of experience as a pastor or associate pastor.

For more information contact:
Doug Morton

Click here to download the Job Description

Allen Memorial Baptist Church

Posted September 26, 2020

Allen Memorial Baptist Church of Candor, NY is Bible-centered church founded in the 1850’s. We are currently a relatively small church, about 70 attend on any given Sunday.  The majority of adults have been followers of Christ for at least a couple of decades. We have a Youth Pastor, and our attendance is around 15 for Youth Group.  We currently have an adult small group, as well as several other ministries for children.

The Senior Pastor will be the teaching shepherd for Allen Memorial Baptist Church, with primary responsibility for preaching and teaching of God’s Truth each Sunday. He will provide primary leadership to the Deacons and pastoral staff.  He shall guard the doctrine of the church from error, and help each person to grow in spiritual ministry.  Will be responsible for, in conjunction with the Deacon Board, casting the vision for the church’s direction and future.  He must be a man whose personal life conforms to 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

Church’s Core Values:

To worship God.

      1. In praise and thanksgiving during worship service.
      2. In works of service and giving.
      3. In prayer
      4. through godly living in obedience to the Scriptures.

To realize the conversion of sinners- growth in God’s grace.

      1. To promote and maintain an attitude of outreach (Come and See), John 1:38-39; Acts 2:47
      2. To actively train in the basics of the faith (Come and Follow), Mark 1:16-20; 2Timothy 2:15
      3. To intentionally equip disciples for service (Come and be with ME)
      4. To release mature believers into their ministry and to keep them accountable to the body of Christ (Remain in Me) John 15:1-11; Hebrews 10:24-25

Christian Fellowship

      1. To help other churches in the community to make disciples for Christ
      2. Small group development and maintenance.
      3. Mentoring fellowships to transform lives to Christ.

Teach and Encourage Every Believer

      1. To make sure every believer understands and can share the good news of Christ.
      2. To work with new Christians in the sharing o the faith.

Contact Person:  Becky Aman, Pulpit Committee Chair
8 Church St, Candor, NY 13743

Cambridge Baptist Church

Cambridge Maine

Posted 1/9/2020

Cambridge Baptist Church is a small but vibrant congregation located in a rural community of 450 people in central Maine. Nearby towns include Harmony, Dexter, Guilford, and Newport. Cambridge is fifty miles northwest of the city of Bangor, Maine’s third largest city. Cambridge Baptist’s current membership is approximately 50 people. Sunday School has an average attendance of around 30 including children. The Morning Worship service has an average attendance of about 40 adults. The Wednesday evening Prayer Meeting has about 10 people who attend faithfully.

Contact Person:
Thomas Floyd

The Baptist Church of Perry

Perry NY

Posted 7/16/2019

The Baptist Church of Perry is an evangelical rural local church in a beautiful area of Western New York. We take seriously our privilege to glorify God by enjoying His gifts together; His Son, His Spirit, His Word, and His Gospel. We prize correct doctrine (tending towards reformed theology), our freedom in Christ (minimizing legalism), our unity as the Body of Christ (even in our business meetings), our ministry one to another (high proportion of involved members in ministries), and our times of fellowship and prayer. We are committed to keeping a large missions budget (27% of our church budget goes to our 17 missionary couples). We communicate actively with our missionaries weekly to be able to pray for them which they constantly tell us is unique among their supporting churches. We are privileged to be made up of a variety of ages, intellectual abilities, and educational levels. We are not a racially diverse congregation due to the demographic make-up of the community. We are sometimes discouraged that we are not growing in numbers. Our dress has become on average more casual over time. We enjoy blended worship styles together; our occasional acapella hymn verse sounds pretty good. We offer children’s ministry in the form of Sunday School, AWANA, and Youth Group. We find our faith and confidence in God’s provision for us to be solid as we face trials together of lost loved ones, a darkening culture around us, and this first pastoral transition in 27 years.

We anticipate that our Pastor will have some giftedness in preaching as a main task but will also come with some enthusiasm for visitation and for challenging us in areas like evangelism. We will view him as a fellow laborer in the Kingdom in which we each serve an essential role.  We would love to enjoy a closeness with his wife and family. A Pastor with young children might help us reach younger families. We would also prefer to have our next Pastor called to serve with us here in Perry for a long time, God willing; one who waits on and relies on God in these challenging times while promoting faith that rests on His Spirit rather than ourselves.

Our constitution expresses that our Pastor shall be a competent preacher full of the Spirit, be a wise leader, be devoted to prayer and the study of the Word and hold doctrinal convictions consistent with the Confession of Faith and acceptable to the Elders. A Pastor shall preach and equip the saints for the work of ministry.  He shall provide for the ordinances, weddings, funerals, pastoral counseling, and ministry to the sick and dying.  He may be a member of all boards and committees as needed.  As a chief Elder, a Pastor shall be responsible to lead the Elders of the church in fulfilling together their duties as a voting member of the Elders, including directing the affairs of the church, consulting together regarding doctrinal questions that arise, pursuing our purpose as a church, assessing our shortcomings, and protecting our unity.  The Elders assist in the administration of church ordinances and share pastoral responsibility for the congregation.

Contact Person:
Eric Drumma